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Groin pain – What is the cause?

hernienzentrum Dr.Med.Enrico Pöschmann
hernienzentrum 24-Apr. 2024

Groin pain often occurs in men who play sport intensively or are even involved in professional sport. The stabbing, burning pain in the groin usually occurs during physical exertion. It is important to find the causes of the pain before treatment, so that a targeted treatment program can then be created and carried out by a team of doctors and therapists.

The sports ridge

The term sports groin describes pain in the groin area, which often occurs after sporting activity, particularly in people who are active in sports. In most cases, the pain is not only acute, but often has a chronic course. Athlete's groin occurs more frequently in men due to anatomical differences. However, it can also occur in women. Before any attempt at treatment, the doctor should clarify exactly what the cause of the pain is so that it can be treated specifically. Without a clear diagnosis, it is difficult to prescribe the right treatment.

Possible causes of groin pain

The reasons for the pain in the groin area, which often radiates into the thigh, can be manifold. As a first step, the doctor should rule out acute injuries, such as a possible torn muscle fiber or a momentary overuse, such as occurs during a marathon. If pain in the groin area occurs repeatedly over a longer period of time during moderate sporting activity, further examinations should follow. Muscular problems in the groin or hip area can often be the cause of the pain. If overstretching occurs due to shortened muscles in the thigh and hip area, this repeatedly triggers pain during sporting activity. In this case, painful inflammation can also occur at the muscle attachment to the bone. The attachment of the ligament to the bone can also be irritated and cause painful symptoms.


Undiscovered inguinal hernia

Chronic groin pain can also be caused by small inguinal hernias that are not visible from the outside. A special case that can occur in men is the so-called spermatic cord lipoma. This is a tumor of fatty tissue that forms in the inguinal canal and causes similar symptoms to an inguinal hernia, but does not appear as such on the outside. Particularly when the adjacent muscle groups are strained or overstretched, a spermatic cord lipoma can lead to chronic irritation of the nerves, which again triggers pain that is very similar to that of an inguinal hernia.

Which examinations are necessary for an athlete's hernia?

In addition to the regular clinical examinations, ultrasound examinations are successfully used. Ultrasound can be used to detect possible inflammation in the area of the bones, skin and muscle attachments. The ultrasound monitor also shows whether there is a hernia or a spermatic cord lipoma. In some cases, GMC or CT examinations may also be necessary. However, these are only used as a supplement.

Possible treatment methods for an athlete's hernia

The chosen treatment method always depends on the diagnosis and the condition. Physiotherapeutic treatment often forms a good basis. In addition to manual treatment by a physiotherapist, targeted massages and stretching exercises also help. Acupuncture can also be used as a supplement. If none of this leads to success, infiltration, i.e. an injection treatment, for example with autologous blood (ACP / PHP), can be carried out in the case of inflammation of the muscles or the inguinal ligament. This often brings significant relief. Infiltration with cortisone can also bring rapid improvement. However, it is controversial and carries the risk of bilateral tears in the tendon or muscle area. If none of these procedures can improve the condition, surgery may have to be considered.

Procedure for spermatic cord lipomas or small inguinal hernias

Spermatic cord lipomas or small inguinal hernias are usually treated using the so-called minimal repair technique due to their small size. Only a small incision is made and the gap in the inguinal hernia can be closed without the implantation of foreign materials. Existing spermatic cord lipomas are removed and after a short recovery phase, targeted training therapy can be carried out.

Individual treatment options for athletes' groin

Another surgical option for treating the sportsman's groin is to detach and reposition individual muscle or tendon bundles. The offset attachment points significantly reduce the tension and relieve the groin. Since such cases are individual problems, it is always necessary to review the results of the examination together with the patient and examine the various treatment methods.

Sports breaks for athletes' groin

The length of the break from sport or training usually depends on the type of treatment. The aim is for the patient to be able to play sport again without any restrictions or pain. The aim is to avoid the burden of chronic pain and the risk of long-term damage or long-term consequences.

Do you regularly suffer from pain in the groin area? Contact the Hernia Center for a prompt examination appointment.

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